
SMU Geothermal Oil and Gas Development Working Group, April 18, 2012

Southern Methodist University, Dallas/ Texas (source: flickr/ euthman, creative commons)
Alexander Richter 8 Nis 2012

The SMU Geothermal Lab is hosting a Geothermal Oil & Gas Development Working Group Meeting, April 18, 2012.

The SMU Geothermal Lab is hosting a working group meeting Wednesday, April 18th.

This event will bring together those focused on developing geothermal energy in oil/gas fields or related sedimentary basin projects.  The 2 hour afternoon networking session is designed to build stronger geothermal teams and to coincide with a luncheon lecture organized by the Maguire Energy Institute for the oil and gas industry.

The Frank Pitts Lecture, from noon to 1:30 pm, provides an additional networking opportunity for the geothermal industry to interact with over 100 oil and gas industry leaders.  After the luncheon, the geothermal participants will meet.  Several participants will kick us off with informal 5 minute highlights of what’s happening in the industry, followed by an open networking period for an exchange of your ideas towards developing geothermal ‘plays’, then finish off with the last 20 minutes to create the “next-step actions for geothermal success” list.  The Texas Legislative session begins in January 2013.  The list will be used for legislative items and to assist the SMU Geothermal Lab in our focus on geothermal development projects.

April 18, 2012,  2 to 4 pm, Hughes-Trigg Ballroom East, SMU Campus, Dallas

–> Registration

Source: Announcement by e-mail