
Video: French TV on a visit to the Bouillante geothermal plant in Guadeloupe

Screenshot of video on the Bouillante geothermal plant, Guadeloupe (French TV)
Alexander Richter 23 May 2016

During a recent visit of Caribbean representatives to the Bouillante geothermal plant in Guadeloupe, a French TV station shot some interesting shots of the plant.

Earlier this month a delegation of representatives of Caribbean islands visited the Bouillante geothermal plant on Guadeloupe, a French territory in the Caribbean.

Exploring how a geothermal plant looks like in the context of a Caribbean island should be an inspiration to the people pushing geothermal energy development forward in the region.

As part of the visit, France TV shot a video with some glimpes into the geothermal power plant operations in Bouillante, while in French it should still be interesting.

Unfortunately I cannot embed the video, so you will have to click the link below to see it (mind the advertisement to begin with)

The video can be found here: France TV Info